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About insane little moi:
me..? who?
well.. lemme see.. I'm a freak, I love music, I love my new amp!! (230w marshall amp), I love lava lamps, I love my geetar, and of course.. all my darklings .
My life consists of being annoying, listening to music, playing music, internetting, being bored, being depressed, being too hyper to handle, sticking my tongue down ppls throats (that sounds bad.. I mean my b/f.. naturally), eating chocolate, helping depressed ppl, going to parties, moshing, going out, and stressing my mum out.
(this pics from the holiday I went on)

Right, well, my main hobbies are: playing Geetar, listening to moosic (music), eating chocolate, burning candles (if that counts as a hobby), sk8boarding (however CRAP I may be at it)and the internet. I don't have too much spare time (unlike SOME people) so quit complaining about how stupid my website is.

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